i do share the optimism of the german left. but certainly beyond a pt when it comes to govern the limitations come to fore. for example in for east the die linke is a participant in the coalition with the spd and so is also a part of the implementation of the neo- liberal policies of the spd causing a lot of opposition amongst the rank and file of die linke.
the swedish expt and the new labour expt were failures and were a set back to the left but we need to go into the specifics of where... and not on a blanket basis.
and we should not shy away from the fact that during the same time the traditional socialist economies in soviet union and china were failing.
we cannot afford to lose the wholistic picture.
we have to have flexible programmes to lead in a capitalist frame work without loosing of final goal of establishing a classless society.
it has to be multipronged.
the main enemy in my perception is the flying capital. the influence of this has to be curtailed. the most powerfull imperialist nation is also unable to fight this new power. we have to participate in the process of weakening this power collaborating with who so ever.
the influential role of the imperiealist super power USA has to curtailed. the influential role of the dollar in international trade has to be curtailed. the european union and the euro is one of the options. freindly relations with france, germany, spain, britain and russia should be entered to break the monopoly of USA. separate free trade agreements can be signed with these nations who are good in technology, who are in need of raw materials, skilled labour from india.
separate free trade agreements can be formed with brazil and south africa who have tremendous technological powress and an enviable market for indian goods.
we should not shy away from having free trade agreements with pakistan, nepal, srilanka and china.
this would substantially reduce the influence of USA.
the co-ordination with all left minded parties across the spectrum from all around the world, as a visual alternative to the capitalist surge and crisis is the need of the hour.
this not only to protect the working class at this crucial juncture but to suggest an alternative which can be implemented.
specifically to india.
if opposition to congress and the bjp is the prime criteria to form a front it is a lost battle.
the left should have an constructive agenda. this agenda should form the basis of any front.
the contradiction doesnot stop here.
the choises are very difficult. some have a very fuedal agenda. congress is a capitalist party pursuing neo-liberal policies. there are a spectrum of parties who are very much fuedal in nature who are opposing this.
bjp happens to be a facist party having its own communal agenda. there are regional political parties who are bi far capitalist and are eager to implement the neo-liberal policies are opposing the bjp due to communal agenda.
when it comes to economics the bjp and the congress has lot in common.
the amalgamation of parties or individuals should be on the basis of constructive program.
here is an oppurtunity for the left to put forward and AGENDA for elections and debate on it.
let us ACT and the others REACT.
prakash kutty